The Power of Pause

you want ways to:
- Take back your time -
in a nonstop world
- Make better decisions - no
matter what shows up on your plate
- Lead, manage and
inspire people during uncertain 'hot button'
changing times
It's time to put the Power of Pause™
tools in motion
"In our 24/7 world we are
overwhelmed with choices, rushing to decide and to act.
Nance Guilmartin's interesting and lively book teaches
us to pause, reflect calmly, assess the real options and
then launch our solutions. She's right. It works. "
John Mendelsohn, M.D., President, University of Texas M.
D. Anderson Cancer Center
I wrote this book because:
We don't' have time
to waste clearing up the "missed understandings" that can happen
- to ANYONE - at a moment's notice.
We need ways to help one another
work better together at work, at home and in our
We can use a mental GPS system - The
3-step Power of Pause process - to locate a new attitude
to keep us from jumping to the wrong conclusion (and
down someone's throat) driven by thinking we're right
and someone else is wrong.
AORN Journal, May 2010
Book Review By Susan
J. Gerdes, RN, BSN, CNOR
(Staff Nurse)
"The Power of Pause"
"For health care workers, managers, or anyone else
seeking to reduce the stress of misunderstandings
and miscommunications, this book will be a valuable
tool." ......
Read More
Give the Gift of Time: Discover
how to make most of the time you have - with less stress - at
work and at home & help others be their best, too!
"I have used the book's toolkit of 12
Power of Pause
practices to get control of my 24/7 world."
Suzane Rothwell, Esq. |
Order Now: The Power of Pause: How to
Be More Effective in a 24/7 World
"I plan to give a copy to my clients' senior managers as
Christmas and New Year's gifts. The principles that Nance Guilmartin teaches are imperative for unlocking performance
potential in today's demanding economy and beyond."
Logan Loomis, business advisor to mid-market companies
and former CEO
Power of Pause® Programs:
Executive Development
Interactive Speaking |
Power of Pause® is a Registered Trademark Copyright © Nance Guilmartin All rights reserved
"All trademarks shown or referenced on this page are
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